Hi, my name is Presley and welcome to my blog, Colorado Checklist! This blog is inspired by my passion for creative writing and love for my home state of Colorado. I grew up in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, in the picturesque town of Golden. It was a wonderful place to be raised. I went to college in Texas and spent the first two years of my professional life there, but in early 2018 I made my way back to the breathtaking place that I’ve always called “home.”
Shortly after moving back, I came to realize there is so much more to explore in this beautiful state that I didn't see or do growing up here. Of course, when you grow up somewhere, that’s where you live. You go to school, hang out with friends, go to your extracurricular activities, etc. You don’t necessarily plan trips to visit the popular sites and tourist spots in your home state. Ever since moving back to Colorado, I've acquired a deeper appreciation for my home state, and that has only grown through exploring locally and enjoying the exciting opportunities Colorado has to offer. That’s how the idea for Colorado Checklist was born.
My goal is for Colorado Checklist to be a resource that adventure-seekers turn to when planning their outings in the Denver area or around the state. I want my blog to inspire folks to try something new and discover the treasures Colorado has to offer. Most of all, I want my readers and I to have fun together experiencing new sights and enjoying adventures traveling about the Centennial state. I can't wait to keep checking new places off the Colorado Checklist!